After the Royal Commission, Pell is STILL a Cardinal.

Totally Innocent and redeemed in the eyes of an all loving GOD….( and Rome)

Pell is entirely innocent. 


At the end of the day, when all is said and done. It doesn’t matter what the Royal Commission findings were, the Pope and Pell himself have walked away. Its a “You beaut” victory for the patriarchy!

Dear reader, this may come as no surprise, but at last we have it from the Cardinal himself, he did nuffink wrong. And he qualified his innocence with his proclamation that the evidence presented to the Royal Commission was all distorted.  There is no factual basis for anything that was flung at him. So there you have it, in spite of fhis original sin, he aint sinned. And as the Pope will tell you “he’s still a fucken Cardinal”. 

Which is Rome’s way of giving Australia the one fingered salute. 

Prince Andrew and the under-age sheila. DOCTORED-FAKE NEWS!

“Onya Rome” !!

We at pcbycp are so relieved it aint funny. Half of the case against Pell was circumstantial and hearsay. He was alleged to have turned a blind eye when little kiddies were buggered, broken and tossed aside by his mates. Mates he shared digs with. He said he had no idea, that the entire system he grew up in and presided over was stuffed, and a haven for sexual deviants, psychos and sadists. He’d know he’s a fucken Cardinal fer chrissakes. And the worst of it, when none of his mates were done for rodgering hundreds of little kiddies, who then subsequently went on to have miserable lives and killed themselves with self loathing, Pell, showed em the door, and told em to stop complaining.  He was right, the victims, wallowing in victim- hood were wrong. Christ suffered, and according to Pell’s creed, you’re not really having a proper life unless your suffering. Not that he suffered, but you cant expect him to do what the congregation does cos he’s a fucken Cardinal. GET IT! He lives a comfy-chair existence, to prove he’s closer to God. Those other poor bastards have shitty miserable fucked-over lives, cos they’re not as close to God. They pay money, build the churches, bequeathe their properties, souls and children to God, to be buggered over, cos that’s the will of an all loving GOD!  And Gods message is ; “Pell’s still a Cardinal, so youse can stick it’!

What disturbed us,  was just because he shared digs with his deviant mates for decades he was fingered for being a pedo-lover cos he turned up and gave a good word to his mate Risdale. There was the doctored photo going round of Pell and Risdale . Not the one Pell took of Risdale buggering little boys, (that’s in his private collection) but this is the one of just mates hanging around outside the Magistrates Court. 

In all fairness, you can’t nail a bloke just cos he hangs around with deviants. Mateship, (under an all loving God) goes deeper than that. And our royal correspondent, none other than Prince Andrew, has weighed in to say Pell is clearly innocent of any wrongdoing. ‘That photo of the sheila I was banging with Jeffrey Epstein is fake, and as proof of my distaste for that kind of thing I have pubically shamed dear ol Geoff by calling his conduct “unbecoming”. In actual fact I stayed with him for three whole days, and shagged all these Sheilas just to let him know how disgusted I was’. 

Prince Andrew is right, and he’s right to give George the royal slaute. Now George is innocent he can live a free life hundreds of miles away from victims on Sydney harbour.  An innocent man. Morally, ethically, spiritually on the phone to Rome and God. All round good bloke who may never ever need to think for a moment of those who were tortured under his watch. For introspection in a man of such standing is both un-becoming and un- Godly. 

George and Risdale. Doctored and FAKE NEWS!

There’s benediction in that. 
