Advance Australia

WE’re so bloody glad about the election result. 

There’s a famous cartoon from the 30’s. A asteroid bypassed earth. Missed it by a few million miles. The asteroid looked down at the planet it had just missed and uttered, “ phew, that was a narrow squeak”. The earth the asteroid was looking at was rent with dictators, jackboots, explosions and bombs raining down on innocent people. It was a prelude to the Second World War and as we know the cartoonist captured the moment. 

Celebrating the Status Quo, Selfish, Insular and Xenophobic.

The same could be said of the election result last Saturday. Another close run thing.  And for a moment or two we almost felt that we’d be involved in a catastrophic collision with change. By a party of do-gooder social reformers who wanted to do something about equity. They wanted to make the big end of town pay tax. They wanted to make those who had huge investments in investment properties consider seeking another pozzie to park their dosh. And above all they wanted to do something about the yawning abyss between the ‘haves and the have-nots’ and do something about climate change. 


When the results came through we were cock a hoop! No chance of reforming change in this country EVER!


That’s what’s great about Australia. You can get the taxpayer to fund your lifestyle if you’re well off, get huge kick backs with an investment portfolio, fuck up the environment and you’re a WINNER. And whilst you’re at it you can slag off at really poor people who haven’t had a nest egg bequeathed to them from mummy and daddy. And if you’re really rich you wont pay any tax at all. Like Gina and Twiggy, you can put it all into your respective wheelbarrows and tell society in general to get stuffed! Cos that’s the way we like it here. Why share this country’s bounty? When you can have it all to YOURSELF!

So that’s what the election was all about, and any of this nonsense about climate was just a background noise. A clutch of hippies obsessing about stuff that most of us who pay mortgages,, work hard, or just inherit well don’t give a stuff about.   As for franking credits?  Let’s be quite frank. The only reason why anyone invests in this country is for the kickbacks they get from real estate, tax rebates for buying shitty coal power stations for nothing, and fucking up the environment. 

Cos the government as we all know will pat you on the back and say “good on ya”!!

But the best thing is, and this is the icing in the cake. That little prick Shorten got his just desserts. Not for promising change. Not for trying to save the fucking environment. Not by talking about equity, and human rights and shit that none of us mainstream Australians care about, but by snubbing the most important man in the Australian body politic. 

And he’s not even Australian. By not grovelling to Rupert Murdoch, he cooked his goose, 

Cos that’s one thing we don’t like in Australia. Unless they play footy, cricket or are good drinkers we HATE SMART ARSES!


Onya Rupert.