A Rocky Road at Rocky Hill, 

Terrible news, A new mine proposed for the Gloucester Valley in New South Wales has been knocked back. Not because it wasn’t big enough. 

Not because it wasn’t filthy enough. Not because it wasn’t gonna be seen from the moon. But because it was not viable on “Environmental Grounds”. 

WE at Pcbycp are Shocked. What is this specious, “On Environmental grounds”? Isn’t coal old forests, recycled into life affirming COAL?

LEFTY RATBAG Environmentalists Giving a “FREE KICK” (Australian Mining Monthly) to US Resources.

This ruling questions COAL. It questions COAL’s worth as “being good for Humanity”, as described by Lord Tone of Santamaria. 

This questions Coal as the saviour of everything we hold dear.

This, and wait for it, places the environment above making lots of money in the short term and not giving a stuff about the cost to future generations. 

Tone ALONE! Is that Light at the end of the Tunnel?

Worse has Happened. 

In the same week a bunch of do good lefty independents have swayed the vote on the floor of parliament and will allow doctors to check the viability of some poor bastard being repatriated from Nauru or Manaus Island. It says Doctors, as medical professionals are better to judge illness than Border Force guards in Gauleiter Uniforms. 

A Whole VERANDAH Chock FULL with Lefty Ratbag Environmentalists, who mistakenly believe that they have a voice on Parliament. UNLIKE COAL!


If you don’t understand the immensity of this, we have prepared a simple equation. 





Disgusting!! Lefty Environmentalist RATBAGS inculcating little kiddies with their insidious ENVIRO-MANIA!

THIS repudiates GODS WILL.

WE are in such a state of shock we checked the Catholic Boys Daily, (The Australian) for reassurance, and as the earth is flat it reassured us that this decision was a VERY BAD ONE. A blip in the normal process of governance. The green vote will wither away, and coal will be sacred and unquestioned. And, you’ll be Glad to hear COAL will still have a vote in parliament. 

Australia will STILL be open for Business.. 

Some people just don’t get PROGRESS!!!

There is still hope that Old White Men may shape the destiny for all Australians. 

And with bit of luck, the Wilderness of South West Tasmania will be converted into Real Estate. 

The hundreds of thousands of cattle that are dead as a consequence of catastrophic global warmed flood may be converted into compost

The Great Barrier Reef may yet be KILLED and  MINED for PROFIT.

And , the coastal regions of Australia, when flooded will prove to be a boon for REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 

There’s quite a few of them in Parliament and they know how to turn a quick buck and allow the trickle down effect to do the rest. 

They say in America that a thousand billionaires is a failure of policy.. 

We disagree, the 1 percent demonstrate REAL LEADERSHIP. 

To Make DAVOS Meaningful and SELF CONGRATULATORY for those who do VERY HARD WORK, and have earnt their SPECIAL STATUS. 

Decisive leadership is what Australia Needs, 

To destroy the Murray Darling, to Clear the old growth forests, to wipe out the biota. 

And prove once and for all that we can do it..

Community Action is very bad for BIG BUSINESS!!

Because we CAN!

And for those triumphalist Gloucester Valley environmentalists, 

The environment will wait, it has all the patience in the world. and will take us all. 

Environment 2.0 will be a monoculture. 

So was Australian Politics.

Open Country is useless unless it is MINED!!

In the words of Commander Kirk: “It’s Life Jim, but not as we know it”.